By Robert E. Ricklefs
This classic introductory text is best known for its vivid examples from natural history, comprehensive coverage of evolution, and quantitative approach. The book’s hallmark features: its strong evolutionary focus, its breadth and diverse set of examples, its extensive coverage of behavioral ecology, and a thorough presentation of population ecology.
By Aldo Leopold
The environmental classic that redefined the way we think about the natural world—an urgent call for “conservation” that’s more timely than ever.
Leopold is the most influential person in the way I live my life and the foundation of my career- PK
By Daniel Coyle
“Talent. You've either got it or you haven't”
Not true, actually. In The Talent Code, award-winning journalist Daniel Coyle draws on cutting-edge research to reveal that, far from being some abstract mystical power fixed at birth, ability really can be created and nurtured.
By Katherine Newell Mayne
A brief history of the organization oficially called “The Propriators of The Commom and Undivided Lands and Meadows of Southold Town”
By Steven Strom
Site Engineering for Landscape Architects is the top choice for site engineering, planning, and construction courses as well as for practitioners in the field, with easy-to-understand coverage of the principles and techniques of basic site engineering for grading, drainage, earthwork, and road alignment.
The late STEVEN STROM, FASLA, was Associate Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Bravo Steve et al
By Gretchen C. Daily
An overview of the benefits and services that nature offers to people. The contributors present a detailed synthesis of our current understanding of a suite of ecosystem services and a preliminary assessment of their economic value.
By William A. Jensen and Frank B. Salisbury
Chapters featuring photographic and scientific essays detail the fundamental aspects of plant biochemistry and relates them to the environment
By Noah Wilson-Rich
Earth is home to more than 20,000 bee species, from fluorescent-colored orchid bees and sweat bees to flower-nesting squash bees and leaf-cutter bees. This book takes an incomparable look at this astounding diversity, blending an engaging narrative with practical, hands-on discussions of such topics as beekeeping and bee health. It explores our relationship with the bee over evolutionary time, delving into how it came to be, where it stands today, and what the future holds for humanity and bees alike.
By Grant Reid
The ultimate guide to all the basic graphics techniques used in landscape design and landscape architecture. Plans, Sections, and Perspective Drawing of Landscape Spaces.
By Norman K. Booth and James E. Hiss
Thorough, how-to explanations and illustrations present the FUNDAMENTALS and Design Process for the Private Residence.
By Jerry F. Limone
Perfect, practical guide for the first time homeowner. Whether you “do it yourself” or hire out you’ll know how pruning should be done.
By Greg Mckeown
Essentialism isn’t about getting more done in less time. It’s about getting only the right things done.
“A timely, essential read for anyone who feels over-committed, overloaded, or overworked.”—Adam Grant
Discover the history of your hometown crafted by local authors. Through iconic images of America, these local history books open a window into yesterday for eager history lovers.
By Robert A. Johnson
The best selling author shares a lifetime of insights and experiences in this easy-to-read explanation of psychological projection — seeing traits in others that are, in fact, our own. Drawing on early Christianity, medieval alchemy, depth psychology, and the myths of “The Flying Dutchman” and “The Once and Future King,” he also explores the subjects of loneliness, fundamentalist religion, and the spiritual dimensions of psychology.